Thursday, March 29, 2012

Verse Card for ZOOPLOSION (K-4th grade series)

After an EXCELLENT suggestion from a volunteer, here is the verse card (why didn't I think of this before?)!!  
Say a verse: get a prize!
Say the whole card: Go to the zoo!!  (see zoo post for details).

ZOOPLOSION trip to the ZOO!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Father's Day weekend idea!

Whew!  I am on a roll! 
For all you dads out there - I found this on the Topeka Zoo website today, and thought it would be a great way to spend Father's Day!
Check out the details here:

Willy Wonka!

If you are looking for family-outing ideas... be sure to check out the Willy Wonka production coming to the Lawrence Arts Center starring Morning Star's own: Naomi Brakenhoff (as the gum-chewing girl)!!
For details or to order tickets, click here.

Have another suggestion for Morning Star families?  Email Rachel!

Family Outing idea

Last semester (as a verse-card reward) KidSpace visited Coterie Theatre at Crown Center for a very-enjoyable Seussical the Musical
Their next production (April/May) is James and the Giant Peach, so are here are some details in case you are looking for a fun family outing!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New series!

Lions and Donkeys and Ravens, oh my!  The animals are the main characters in our newest series: Zooplosion!  Watch the Bible stories through the eyes of the animals in the Bible and see how God always provides.  Then we will see "what might have happened" and learn that things work out better when we follow God's plan. 
Join us on Sundays, 9 and 11 a.m. in the east wing.

Spaghetti Madness!

We had so much fun at the Spaghetti madness sale on Sunday!!  Thank you to everyone who helped out or purchased a meal/donated!  The kids who participated worked hard, had some fun and will now have a little money saved for camp! 
During our hard work on Sunday, one of the kids commented "this is so fun!  Can we do this again?". 
And we WILL be doing it again (or something like it), so stay tuned for more!